Contact Our Team
Ms. Morgan Beaulieu, M.S.Ed.
College and Career Placement
Mr. Khabir Edwards, M.S.
School Counselor for the Class of 2025 (Grade 12)
Ms. Sara Otis, M.S.
School Counselor for the Class of 2026 (Grade 11)
Ms. Michelle Owen, M.S.
School Counselor for the Class of 2027 (Grade 10)
Ms. Kristen House, M.S.
School Counselor for the Class of 2028 (Grade 9)
Ms. Dawn Staples
Administrative Assistant
Mr. Eric Bendetson, L.C.S.W.
Social Worker at The Learning Center with the Evolve Program
Ms. Melissa Bowie, L.C.S.W., C.A.D.C.
Social Worker at The Learning Center
Ms. Dana Manel Jarvis
Special Education Social Worker
Ms. Lily Klein-Sweeney, L.C.S.W.
General Education Social Worker -
Mr. Jon Picchiotti, M.Ed., L.C.P.C.
Special Education Social Worker
Mrs. Bobbie Jo Rand, L.C.S.W., C.A.D.C.
General Education Social Worker
Ms. Shannon Gervais
Director of Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO / Co-Op)
Lizz Tharpe, M.A.
Jobs for Maine Graduates (JMG) Specialist
Bonny Eagle Middle School
Ms. Karen Wade, M.Ed.
School Counselor for the Class of 2028 (Grade 8)
Ms. Megan Magee, M.Ed.
School Counselor for the Class of 2029 (Grade 7)
School Counselor for the Class of 2030 (Grade 6)
Buxton Center Elementary School
Ms. Jennifer Cunningham, M.Ed.
School Counselor
Edna Libby Elementary School- Standish
Mrs. Mindy Novick, M.S.
School Counselor
George E. Jack Elementary School - Standish
Mrs. Brianne Fecteau, M.S.
School Counselor
H.B. Emery Jr. Memorial School - Limington
School Counselor
Hollis Elementary School
School Counselor
Steep Falls Elementary School
School Counselor